Rayne Gaisford, Chief Data Strategy Officer, Babel Street

Rayne Gaisford is the Chief Data Strategy Officer at Babel Street. Rayne and his team are focused on scalable publicly and commercially available (PAI, CAI) collections supporting the nation’s highest prior units and agencies, financial services, and commercial clients. As the CDSO Rayne oversees the Babel Street Data product offerings while also managing the data sourcing and strategy functions for the organization.

Rayne is also a member of the Ulisses Project advisory board (ulissesproject.org), Lundquist College of Business advisory board (business.uoregon.edu), FISD Alternative data council (fisd.net/alternative-data-council/), BattleFin advisory board (battlefin.com) and regularly speaks at conferences/events about the data ecosystem.

Prior to joining Babel Street, Rayne was the Chief Product Officer at Vertical Knowledge (acquired by Babel Street) and the Chief Data Strategist of the ANDECO Institute. Before joining the data provider space, Rayne originated the Data Strategy function within Jefferies Research and was the Global Head of Data Strategy. Preceding his time on the sell-side Rayne spent fifteen years on the buy-side as a CRO, risk manager, data researcher, and member of the management team of several multi-manager hedge funds. Rayne began his career on the equity options research team at Goldman Sachs after having graduated from the University of Oregon. He lives in Bend, Oregon with his wife and two children. 

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